Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Reel & Artist Statement

Director/DP Reel

Artist's Statement

     I have always loved to tell stories; as a baby, I would sit and tell many stories to the drapes in our living room. As I grew older, my stories became more complex and have matured. A major part of why I do what I do is because of the stories I can tell. In fact, the story is so important to me that nothing-no effect, no shot, no nothing-enters one of my projects unless it serves the story. 

     Growing up, there were two major franchises that captivated my imagination; Star Wars, and Indiana Jones. Both had plenty of action for a young boy, but there was something more to them; a spirit of adventure, something I have striven to capture in my works as often as possible.

     Another thing that I was exposed to while growing up were many of the classics and older TV shows that my family would watch and cherish. Thus, much of my ever developing style ties into those films. Films such as Hunt for Red October, Casablanca, The Wizzard of Oz, Field of Dreams, Schindler's List, and It's a Wonderful Life.

     When I was a sophomore in High School I discovered another major influence on my film style, Film noir. I was captivated by the dark style and the shadows, which are just as important as the subjects.

     At the TCF program I am currently learning many more tools with which I shall continue to tell stories through such an iconic and ever progressing medium. But even as all the technology progresses forth, and styles shift and change, there is one thing that shall remain constant in my work: every aspect will work in service of the story, and nothing stall sacrifice it.


  1. I think I would have liked to have seen more variety in your reel. But otherwise, very good.

  2. I can definitely see your style and what you like. It really shows what type of filmmaker you. I also really liked the intensity of the song. Very fitting! Keep up the good work!

  3. I didn't feel like we saw your best work but I liked the song.

  4. Your reel really works to show your style as a filmmaker.

  5. Your reel could definitely use a little bit more variety. It seemed like half your shots were close-ups. Watch how your shots focus on characters/objects and I think you'll do well.

  6. Your reel was very intense and I loved that. I love the harsh red that you used is some of your shots. I also think you did a great job in executing the complex lighting in you film noire piece for the scene assignment, it looked beautiful. What I would recommend is making your handheld movement more smooth. Other than really good.

  7. I think that you were going for a film noir kind of look for your reel. If that's the way you were going, good job. However, some of your shots were a little grainy including the shots from your scene assignment and a few shots were a tad out of focus or shaky. I also, really liked the song.

  8. I like the shots from your scene assignment. I agree with everyone in the variety issues, but I think if you want a solid DP reel to go out and shoot some more

  9. I think it's best that you avoid putting yourself into your reel. If you're on camera, we certainly know that it wasn't you who shot the shots, and it just lacks a certain level of professionality. The film noir stuff might have been some of the best stuff in this reel, but it looks like it was exported improperly.

  10. Your reel could use a little more variety. I was a little bored with it. The film noir stuff was good but it was so pixelated that it distracted me from actually paying attention to what was in the frame.
